Legitimate interestThe judges also refused to examine other claims made by Google, including that the Canadian business had no "legitimate" interest in the domain name and had registered it in "bad faith". The entrepreneurs behind Groovle.com said they had used the site for more than two-and-a-half years without any complaints by Google. The site is powered by Google but describes itself as a way for users to create a customised internet homepage. People can upload personal images onto the site and then go on to search the web from that page. The National Arbitration Forum is an agency, approved by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, to sort out domain name disputes. It is only the second time out of 65 that a complaint made by Google against companies about domain names has been rejected. In 2004, Richard Wolfe, the owner of froogles.com managed to persuade an arbitration panel his site could not be confused with Google.com. (my view)- Like"Disney"or"Kraft" Google has grown to be a bigger and more greedier company then stamps on smaller and other firms to companies and totally wants to RULE the roost so to speak and wants to OWN everything and charge MORE for THEIR crappier produc. HOW DOES IT FEEL YOU MOTHER FUCKERS TO NOT WIN AND CRUSH A COMPANY? LOL,YOUR BASTARDS ARE GETTING WAY TO GREEDY
Thursday, 31 December 2009
Google loses Canadian Groovle domain name claim
A Canadian company behind a search engine called Groovle.com has won a case filed against it by online search giant Google.
Google said the domain name used by the small business, 207 Media, was too similar to its own, but mediators the National Arbitration Forum disagreed.
In the complaint, Google asked for the judges to rule that 207 Media transfer the domain name over to it.
But three judges appointed by the forum refused the request.
They said the name was not similar enough to confuse people and the word 'groovle' was more closely linked to "groovy" or "groove" rather than Google.
'Grisly' Brittany Murphy artwork withdrawn
'On her game'It is the same cemetery where singer Michael Jackson was laid to rest earlier this year. Murphy, 32, was pronounced dead at Cedars-Sinai Medical Centre after collapsing in the bathroom of her Hollywood home on Sunday. The county coroner's office is awaiting the results of toxicology and tissue tests before releasing an official cause of death. Best known for her roles in Clueless and 8 Mile, Murphy completed a number of films this year that are currently awaiting release. The director of one, a thriller called Abandoned, said she was delightful to work with and "was on her game". "She was such a pro and so good at her craft that she could turn it on and off as necessary," said Michael Feifer.
Wednesday, 30 December 2009
'Oldest duck' Edwina dies aged 22
Sea-duckHe said that when he first discovered Edwina she was being attacked by her family as she was the "runt of the litter". The family rescued her, but when Mr Knight attempted to release her back into the wild she followed him home and had lived with the family ever since. Edwina also became fond of tea and toast, which she would have for breakfast in the family home where she spent time living in the garden and garage. Mr Knight told BBC News the family was "devastated".
HP responds to 'racist computer' accusation-Follow up post

Tuesday, 29 December 2009
Monday, 28 December 2009
China shopping centre builds 'car park for women'

Sunday, 27 December 2009
Some pictures from around thw world

Saturday, 26 December 2009
Friday, 25 December 2009
Thursday, 24 December 2009
Legal warning over Inverness school's trip
A school trip for about 70 pupils has been cancelled because of potential legal action over the exclusion of a disabled child in the group.
The stay at an outdoor activity centre in the Cairngorms has been held annually for children at Inverness's Crown Primary.
Highland Council has cancelled the trip to Craggan to avoid the action.
The girl's mother Donna Williamson said her daughter was physically unable to take part in the activities planned.
She told BBC Scotland: "She cannot hold a bow and arrow for example, or go kayaking, because she has no upper body strength.
"My daughter would have been excluded in that she would have had to stay in the centre while all the kids went off to do the activities.
"When she wasn't in the centre she would have been asked to film them kayaking and doing the things she would love to do but she cannot do and I thought that was psychologically a pretty cruel thing to ask a child to do."
Another parent at the school, Donald Mackenzie, said he was worried the situation could lead to other activities such as music lessons being stopped.
He said there had be a "little bit of give and take" and the activities the children had expected to take part in were not themselves wrong.
Danny Alexander, Liberal Democrat MP for Inverness, Nairn, Badenoch and Strathspey, said he hoped the trip could still go ahead.
He said: "I think it is very sad that the Disability Discrimination Act has been interpreted in this overzealous way by Highland Council given the efforts that the school made to make reasonable adjustments to the trip."
'Tried hard'
An alternative trip to Glasgow has also been cancelled by Highland Council.
A council spokeswoman said: "In the light of legal advice relating to aspects of the Disability Discrimination Act and subsequent amendments, the decision was taken to cancel two trips organised by the school.
"The school has tried hard to accommodate the needs of pupils, but such is the complexity of the legislation governing disability discrimination that the council felt it had no alternative at this stage."
She added: "In the new year there will be a concerted effort to provide an appropriate out-of-school excursion for all the children." (my view)-This is EASILY sorted out-take the disabled kid on another trip where she can play and be safe either on her own(accompanied by a teacher)or with other disabled kids because cancelling the trip will make the other kids hate her for the trip being cancelled
HP camera 'can't see' black faces
Wednesday, 23 December 2009
NZ policewoman allows naked cycling - with helmet
Two young men caught cycling with no clothes on have escaped charges of offensive behaviour, but received a warning to wear protective headgear.
Local policewoman Cathy Duder was unfazed when she came across the two nude men, both in their early 20s.
"They were more shocked than I was, trying to cover up their bits and pieces with their hands," she said.
The men were riding around the Coromandel seaside resort of Whangamata on the north-east coast of New Zealand.
When asked for an explanation, the pair replied that "they wanted to experience total freedom".
Strangely sober" And I said to them 'the way you're heading, you're going to experience total confinement'," the officer said, laughing. She said the men appeared decidedly sober. "They didn't seem drunk at all. That's what worried me," she joked. Ms Duder issued them with a stern warning for not wearing helmets and then sent them directly home. She told the Associated Press news agency that she did not see them again during her shift, and it was not known if they donned helmets and resumed their ride. Public nudity can attract a charge of offensive behaviour in New Zealand, but Ms Duder said she let the two men go free. "It was dark and there was no-one else around. They were jovial young men who had not intended to cause offence," she said. (my view)- "They didn't seem drunk at all,That's what worried me,"she joked" i do not get it...the police WANT them to be drunk?so they worry you because they are not drunk?....what a fucking moron!"Two young men caught cycling with no clothes on have escaped charges of offensive behaviour" being free and naturistic is"offensive behaviour"? what are the fucking police on!it's got to be drugs they seize from people! being FREE is NOT a crime you morons
US balloon boy parents are given jail sentences-follow up story!
A US man who triggered a major alert by falsely claiming his son was adrift in a helium balloon has been sentenced to 90 days in jail - and his wife to 20.
Richard Heene, 48, and his 45-year-old wife Mayumi said in October their son had been carried off by the balloon.
Six-year-old Falcon Heene was finally found hiding at home.
In court in Colorado, Heene appeared to fight back tears as he apologised to rescue workers and the community, saying he was "very, very sorry".
The judge also ordered four years of supervised probation for the couple and banned them from receiving any form of financial benefit from the case.
Heene and his wife Mayumi had pleaded guilty to charges that they carried out the balloon stunt to promote a reality TV show.
'Wasted money'The prosecutor had argued the couple should face time in jail to act as a deterrent to others who may be considering mounting similar stunts for financial gain and publicity. He said Heene had "wasted a lot of man power and a lot of money in wanting to get himself some publicity". He argued that the couple had acted not on the behest of any TV companies, but that "they came up with it all on their own, not necessarily just to get a TV show but at least to put their name out there again and maybe in hopes that somebody would pick them up". "For that," he said, "they do need to be punished". Richard Heene will be allowed to serve 60 days of his 90-day sentence on release, allowing him to work as a construction contractor during the day, while spending the night in jail. He will start his sentence on 11 January 2010. Mayumi Heene will begin her sentence after her husband's to ensure their children are still cared for. She will be allowed to report to jail on two days a week, return home at night, and serve the sentence through jail-supervised community service. The judge also ruled that her husband must serve 100 hours of community service and write a letter of apology to the community and public service agencies which helped search for his son. The couple have already been ordered to pay $42,000 (£26,000) in restitution for the emergency services' rescue efforts.
Policeman Rapes Girl In Cell
The Volta Regional Police Command has mounted a massive manhunt for one Constable Peter Owusu who is alleged to have defiled a 14 year old School girl held at the Police Station at Penyi near Dzodze.
The Girl had been locked up for a misdemeanor and family sources say Constable Owusu took advantage of the girl and raped her and threatened to kill her if she told anybody.
Madam Esther Osei, a Teacher at the Penyi LA Primary School who led the girl’s parents to the Hospital told Citi News in an interview that the girl was locked up because of a misunderstanding between her and a young boy which led to the girl cutting the boy with a cutlass. She said that the later revealed to her that the policeman forced to have sex with her.
“After we went for her the previous day she later complained that the policeman forced and had sex with her twice and then threatened her with a handcuff and a gun not to reveal it to anyone” She said.
Hospital reports from the Dzodze confirmed that the girl had been raped.
Madam Esther Osei said that the policeman accepted the offence when they went to the police station with the girl and her parents for a medical form. Madam Esther Osei’s concern is that the case has not been revisited since and it seems the case is now a “foolish case”.
“He initially denied the allegation but upon interrogation he admitted the offence. he confirmed that he did the thing. They invited the parents and the child to Ho, they interviewed them, and took their statements but up till now we have not heard anything from them. We don’t know whether the case is becoming a foolish case or what.” She said.
Police Constable Owusu has since gone into hiding.
Tuesday, 22 December 2009
What became of Romania's neglected orphans?
A BBC investigation has uncovered appalling conditions and abuse in adult institutions in Romania, 20 years after the fall of Nicolai Ceausescu exposed conditions in the country's orphanages.
As the care worker unlocked the door and pushed it open, a musty stench of body odour and urine filled the air. There were 10 people crammed into the room, bed-bound on rotting mattresses and lying in their own faeces, some two to a bed.
Among the dirty, scarred faces peering above the duvets were the orphans whose plight roused the international community when Romanian orphanages opened their doors to Western journalists in 1990.
Staff at the Recovery and Rehabilitation Centre in Carpenis had no idea how old the latest arrivals from a children's orphanage were - they guessed 18 but they looked much younger.
The three boys cowered under their dirty duvets, escaping from the wrinkled faces of the disturbed men and women they shared a bed with.
One of the boys was desperately thin. A worker explained that they didn't know anything about him. He couldn't talk and they suspected he has hepatitis, but they had no means of finding out for sure.
Another new arrival had deep cuts to her head. Like others who have been institutionalised since birth, she exhibits self-harming behaviour, including violent rocking backwards and forwards. She repeatedly banged her head against the wall, and wore a makeshift helmet to cushion the impact.
-We came across several institutions where there were cases of human rights abuses-Georgiana Pascu, Romanian human rights campaigner...
The Romanian government had promised it had dealt with its notorious institutions as part of its conditions for joining the European Union. The only way we could witness the reality of conditions in adult institutions was to pose as charity workers, and secretly film our findings.
The Carpenis institution is just 32km (20 miles) from the capital Bucharest, the heartbeat of the country's growing economy. In the main squares, neon lights advertise the biggest Western brands; shopping centres are bursting with families spending new money on Christmas gifts. It is a measure of how far Romania has come since the fall of its dictator Nicolai Ceausescu who bankrupted the country. But not everyone has seen change in the last 20 years.
In Bolintin, another village close to the capital, a lone nurse and six helpers take care of more than 100 patients - they are not sure exactly how many. They were wrapped in blankets and thermal jackets to escape the freezing cold.
-Signs of gangrene were evident at one institution in Bolintin...
In a wooden cabin, separate from the main building, we found 15 severely disabled people slumped on uncomfortable chairs. The nurse insisted they were at least 20 years old, but their tiny faces and bodies suggested they were much younger.
Unlike the able-bodied in the main building, they had nothing to escape the cold. Their clothes were thin and tatty and their bare feet produced an odour of rotting flesh. A closer look revealed signs of gangrene.
-Nicolai Ceausescu was executed with his wife Elena on Christmas Day 1989..
"There is overcrowding, lack of access to adequate medical treatment, lack of access to psychologists and social workers. We came across several institutions where there were cases of human rights abuses during our visits this year. With a little help, most of them could live in a community environment."
But that help has never come. Again, posing as charity workers, we witnessed some pitiful scenes at the Ganesti Social Medical Unit in eastern Romania.
Staff there told us that there was one carer to 40 residents, and that there were 160 people sharing 140 beds.
Most staff at the institutions we visited were caring and compassionate, but with ratios like this it is little wonder that standards are so low. It was mid-afternoon, and we found most patients still in bed, many showing signs of heavy sedation.
One girl was restrained in her bed by her jumper which acted as a straitjacket.
We showed the findings of our investigation to Eric Rosenthal, who campaigns to protect the human rights of institutionalised people and is an adviser to the US government.
"I cannot say I'm surprised given Romania's record, but I am horrified," he said. "My organisation Mental Disability Rights International documented this abuse in great detail. We talked to government officials, and we brought it to the European Union. They promised they would end these abuses and they have failed on that promise.
"These conditions are exactly what we saw five years ago, 10 years ago. They did what they needed to do to get into the EU, but the abuses are still going on."
-A young man from the orphanage in Cighid, an institution that has been turned around..
At least 137 children died in the space of two years, most of them no older than three.
Foreign aid and the efforts of a new director, Dr Pavel Oarcea, who has now retired, led to many improvements.
Cighid - now an adult institution - was the only facility we got permission to visit as journalists. Around 60 of the children have remained there into adulthood, and they appeared well-cared for.
Notorious institutionsThere were dozens of rooms, packed with 160 adults aged up to 80. It was difficult to tell the men and women apart, but they all shared a confined existence. They are all unwanted human beings, abandoned by their impoverished parents at birth and neglected into adulthood by the state.
Low standardsGeorgiana Pascu of the Romanian human rights group the Centre for Legal Resources has visited nearly every one of Romania's 150 adult institutions. She says adults in state care face a long list of problems.
Well-cared forSome institutions, however, have been turned around. The orphanage in Cighid, north-west Romania, was one of the institutions that achieved notoriety in 1990.
They had musical instruments, crayons and colouring books.But many have only ever known life in an institution. The disabilities they were either born with or developed as a result of previous neglect in the orphanage meant they were always unlikely to be adopted. Dr Oarcea defied orders by the local authority not to speak to us. He told us the 15 years he spent in Cighid were the most rewarding of his life, but that he still has regrets.(my view)-This makes me sick"i'm shocked" "A disabled child who's lived with a family his whole life doesn't rock backwards and forwards. What the Cighid children have missed out on is family life, the love that only a family can give," he said. "Twenty years ago I believed the Romanian government would have made much greater progress in protecting their unwanted children and adults." Since 1990, Romania has received 100m euros (£89m, $144m) from the EU to improve its institutions. In response to our investigation, the Romanian government said the conditions we found were not representative of care in the country. "The Romanian authorities continue the reform and the protection of the disabled with social risk by implementing proactive policies and good practices," it said in a statement. It added that two of the institutions we visited were scheduled for closure in the next three years.
New Species Of"Human"Discovered
Hello once again,this is terry.
i have a follow up to my story you printed in your paper a months ago.
i hope you print this follow up as there's bound to be people out there who want one.
my story is about a group of wild people i discovered while walking my dog.
i have an exciting update
New Species DiscoveredI am retired from work,i use to work in a lab cataloging beetles and other insects. i told you that because it'll explain why i did what i did, It'll be 3 weeks since a followed these people and took notes of what i saw. in my work(before i retired)i use to test blood from these beetles and write papers on each one(blood types ect).anyway. the few weeks observing them went without a hitch until 3 days ago. one of them(a women) cut her leg on a branch as she was climbing down from a tree. she get to the ground and her mate carried her to a rock while the others watched. as her mate was licking her wound,i guess he was cleaning it,he was handed a few green leaves by the others.
(this sentence has been removed from printing)then he tied some roots around the leaves and carried her back to where ever their home was.but that is not all to the story. i cut the story about them short because. after what i discovered,i know what would happen to them if i gave away there location. after they were gone,my curiosity was peaking,after watching them mate,play and communicate. i helped myself to some of the blood on the rock left by this woman, it was like i was back in the lab again,i always took a tube and gloves with me just in case. i took my tube out,put on the groves and took some of her blood. i have two friends back at the lab.i sent them the sample and were waiting for the results. to take my mind off the waiting time until i get the results back,i was blogging everything i saw and what they did. a few days later i got the test results back and what i found was both exciting and and curious at the same time,so i phoned my friend to run the test again. 2 more days pasted and i got the same results.with out revealing all of what was written i will reveal the percentages though (i am telling the public this as i believe this should be told-we're not alone) the results: 10% Human 27% Animal-close to that of a cat(Feline) 41% Unknown DNA 22 Unknown DNA-Different strand to the one above Remember this is from the female only, the men may be different.
Dogs that 'ate owner' rehomed
Two small dogs that police say fed on the body of their owner after he killed himself have found a new home.Two small dogs that police say fed on the body of their owner after he killed himself have found a new home. The Nebraska Humane Society said the two pugs, named Harry and Sally, will meet their new owners on Tuesday. An unidentified Indiana couple was selected from more than 250 individuals or families interested in adopting the dogs.
Leaders agree terms of TV debates
The leaders of the three main parties have agreed to terms for a series of televised debates during the next general election campaign, it has been announced.The leaders of the three main parties have agreed to terms for a series of televised debates during the next general election campaign, it has been announced. The broadcasters BBC, ITV and Sky said that under the terms of the deals they would each be hosting one debate during the campaign. The programmes, lasting between 85 and 90 minutes, will be filmed in front of a selected studio audience and will be broadcast in peak time. It is the first time in British political history that the main party leaders have agreed to take part in a televised debate. Previous attempts to arrange one have always foundered on the reluctance of one or other leaders to risk what they believe is a strong position by taking part. Under the terms of the agreement Gordon Brown, David Cameron and Nick Clegg will appear in each of the debates which will all follow the same format, with around half of the discussion time being themed. The first debate will be produced by ITV with presenter Alastair Stewart; Sky will produce the second presented by Adam Boulton; and David Dimbleby will present the third for the BBC. The BBC and Sky will make their programmes available to other broadcasters simultaneously while ITV will theirs available immediately after transmission. Discussions between the broadcasters and the parties will resume in the New Year to finalise the detailed arrangements. Mr Brown said in an interview with the Daily Mirror that he was looking forward to the debates as an opportunity to expose the differences between the parties. "I think people will then have to make up their minds," he said. "I relish the chance to tell people that you either build on what we have achieved which is to improve public services, create jobs even in difficult times and create a fairer society. Or you can side with those that have policies which are unfair, which would harm jobs, which would deepen the recession and damage public services on the front line."(my view)-SEE"Selected" meaning if you have'Challenging'questions that THEY know they CAN'T answer.....then you "WE"will not let you in......i fucking hate all of them,they can not run...well anything right,even their own wardrobes are awful,they do not tell the truth yet people still vote for them why?..because they hope for change as promised by a party! your all suckers.......they should call these shows"Strictly Come Bullshitting"
Monday, 21 December 2009
What Is This?
Any Ideas on what this Could Be??? Is just a reflection of light?, A UFO?, Just a Pretty Circular Glowing cloud?, The Sun?, CGI?, \he Moon shining above the clouds???HAARP at work?Natural occurance...
Any Ideas on what this Could Be???
Is just a reflection of light?, A UFO?, Just a Pretty Circular Glowing cloud?, The Sun?, CGI?,The Moon shining above the clouds???HAARP at work?Natural occurance and phenomena?,
UFO- Red Square in Moscow?
Recent footage of a pyramid hovering over the Red Square in Moscow has gone viral. The footage was shot from a passing car. While some say it is a ufo, sceptics dismiss the ufo theory and say that ...
Recent footage of a pyramid hovering over the Red Square in Moscow has gone viral. The footage was shot from a passing car. While some say it is a ufo, sceptics dismiss the ufo theory and say that if the images were for real, the public would have reported sightings to police - who are making no comment. Another clip filmed during daylight shows a fuzzy grey object on the skyline near Red Square.
Sceptics however say that if the images were for real, the public would have reported sightings to police - who are making no comment.
This is hot on the heels of the strange spiral blue lights in Norway which authorities claim was simpply a missile test gone wrong
Needles attack on boy was 'revenge'

Saturday, 19 December 2009
Obama outlines Santa chimney policy
Friday, 18 December 2009
More than 80 MPs challenge expenses repayment demand
A total of 80 MPs have confirmed they want to challenge an auditor's request that they repay money they claimed on expenses dating back five years.
Lib Dem Jeremy Browne, Labour's Frank Cook, Frank Field and Patrick Hall and Tory Bernard Jenkin are among those contesting Sir Thomas Legg's findings.
Sir Thomas was asked to review all MPs' second home claims since 2004 after the expenses scandal broke in May.
The MPs were told they had to signal an intention to appeal by 1500 GMT.
They must then submit their written appeals by 23 December - which will be examined by former Court of Appeal judge Sir Paul Kennedy.
Fridge claims
Sir Thomas's review has annoyed many MPs who have been asked to repay money for a variety of reasons.
Tory MP for Thanet North, Roger Gale, has appealed against the demand to repay £2,100 for mobile phone bills and £400 in rent for a London flat.
He said Sir Thomas Legg had ignored the justification he gave for the claims, telling the Press Association Sir Thomas was "still knowingly releasing false information. I view that as dishonest.
"Am I angry? Yes, I am. My reputation matters to me. I have been doing this job for 27 years. It has cost us well over a quarter of a million pounds out of our own pocket."
Mr Jenkin, MP for Essex North, has been asked to repay the highest amount known - £63,250 - because he claimed it for rent on a property owned by his sister-in-law.
The rules changed in 2006 to prevent MPs renting from relatives but Mr Jenkin has said he was not informed and says the Commons Fees Office had sanctioned the arrangement.
He has said he will repay the money if the appeals process goes against him.
Labour MP Ann Cryer has told the BBC she will be appealing against her demand for a "substantial amount". She said she had never claimed the maximum amount in second homes allowances.
Ms Cryer, who is reported to have claimed rent on a flat owned by her daughter and is standing down at the next election, said she did "not want to leave with a cloud over my head".
Stockton North MP Mr Cook's request for repayment relates to £600 claims for a fridge.
He says other requests from Sir Thomas that he repay £964 for utility bills have been dropped and he has already repaid £1,019 he over-claimed for council tax.
Mr Browne's case is more complicated. He told the BBC that he was being asked to repay £17,894 because of a "ridiculous application of the rules".
The Lib Dem Treasury spokesman became MP for Taunton in 2005 and raised the deposit to buy a home in the constituency by remortgaging a London flat he had owned for several years.
It meant the mortgage on his London flat increased from £130,000 to £190,000 - he designated the flat as his "second home" and went on to claim expenses on the interest of the £190,000 mortgage.
Sir Thomas said that breached a rule that MPs are not allowed to claim expenses for "interest on any additional mortgages, advances or loans secured on the same property".
He said he should have claimed interest on the £130,000 mortgage and has asked Mr Browne to repay the difference.
Mr Browne says the rule about remortgaging was meant to stop MPs withdrawing the equity on taxpayer-funded properties to "buy a new car, go on holiday or whatever it might be".
But he said the increase in his London flat's value had happened before he became an MP and before he made any expenses claims on the mortgage.
"I don't think that's a reasonable application of the rules and I think the money that accrued to me prior to my election is mine to spend as I see fit," he told the BBC.
He argued that, under Sir Thomas's interpretation of the rules, he could have sold the flat and bought a new one and claimed 100% of the mortgage interest, or claimed for his Taunton home - even though either option would have cost the taxpayer more.
"I think I acted in good faith," he told the BBC.
Mr Field, MP for Birkenhead, is appealing against a ruling that he should repay more than £7,000 in gardening and household bills.
Mr Hall, who represents Bedford and Kempston, is contesting a request that he repay a claim for mortgage interest of £260.
He said: "It is a discrepancy. That is why I am going to the Kennedy review. The sum concerned is small, but it is a matter of principle."
Labour MP Alan Simpson, who previously threatened legal action over the review's demand that he repay £500 in cleaning charges, said he had filed an "objection" but intended to leave it at that rather than formally appeal.
Prime Minister Gordon Brown asked Sir Thomas to look for mistakes made in expenses claims approved by the Commons Fees Office over five years, when the expenses scandal broke in May.
But Sir Thomas has applied his own limits on what he thinks should have been claimed for gardening and cleaning. Several MPs have been asked to repay the difference - sometimes amounting to thousands of pounds.
Many MPs were unhappy about the "retrospective" nature of the ruling and had been expected to appeal.
HIV Man Injects Sleeping Wife With Own Blood
An HIV-positive man has confessed to injecting his blood into his sleeping wife and infecting her with the virus that can cause Aids, reports have said.
It is believed the man wanted to give her the disease so she would start having sex with him again, New Zealand's Sunday Star-Times said.
Court documents detailed how the man, 35, twice pricked his 33-year-old wife with a sewing needle laced with his infected blood.
The husband discovered he was HIV-positive - but his partner and children were not - during health checks imposed on them when the family arrived in New Zealand in 2004.
The woman had said she wanted to maintain the relationship for the sake of the children.
But she refused to have sex with her husband for fear of contracting the disease.
In the documents, the wife described how, in May, 2008, she found a sting-like mark on her left thigh and two days later awoke to a stinging feeling in her leg.
She said: "I got up... and I flicked the blankets... I looked at (the husband) and he was wide awake."
The wife asked him if he had pricked her and he said, 'No'. But she later found evidence of "blood sprinkles" on their duvet, which she said her husband tried to hide from her.
During a routine check-up four months later, doctors revealed she was HIV-positive.
The woman confronted her husband, who admitted dipping a needle in his blood and pricking her with it.
"All he said (was) he was sorry. He said, 'I used needles on you because I wanted you to be the same as me so that you can live with me and you won't leave me'," she said.
The husband has admitted wilfully infecting another with a disease and faces up to 14 years in jail when he is sentenced at Auckland High Court next year.(my view)-He should have the death penalty as his wife IS going to die from aids now
Toddler found with needles in body

Update.Man admits sticking needles in boy. The stepfather of a two-year-old boy found with 42 needles in his body has confessed to jabbing them into the toddler as part of a religious ritual, Brazilian police said. The stepfather of a two-year-old boy found with 42 needles in his body has confessed to jabbing them into the toddler as part of a religious ritual, Brazilian police said. Roberto Carlos Magalhaes told detectives that a woman who went into a trance would "command him to stick the needles in the boy's body," police inspector Helder Fernandes Santana said. "According to his confession, he acted under influence of the woman, but it was him who stuck the needles in the boy's body," the inspector said. He said three people, including the stepfather and the woman, have been arrested, though no charges have yet been filed. An enraged crowd of more than 100 people surrounded the police station where the suspects were held on Wednesday night, hurling rocks at the building. Santana said they broke out a window of his own car because they wrongly believed the suspects were in it. Extra police were called in to restore order and protect the suspects. The child, meanwhile, was airlifted to the heart unit of a major hospital in north-eastern Brazil because two of the needles are close to his heart, but it was not immediately clear when doctors might be able to remove them. Surgeons at a hospital in the town of Barreiras in Bahia state, where the boy had been hospitalised since Sunday, had decided not to try to remove any needles immediately for fear they could cause more damage. Doctors located 42 needles in the boy, who was in stable condition in the coastal city of Salvador after a 240-mile flight to a hospital with a special heart unit. Hospital spokeswoman Susy Moreno said an evaluation of how to treat the boy would probably not be finished until Friday. The boy's mother, a maid, took him to a hospital in the small north-eastern city of Ibotirama on December 10, saying he was complaining of pain. Three days later, after X-rays revealed many of the needles, doctors moved him to the larger hospital in the nearby city of Barreiras. The mother told police she did not know how the needles got inside her son, whose name was not released because of his age.(my view)-If your a NUT JOB or not,you do not force your beliefs on to a child
Thursday, 17 December 2009
Copenhagen Talks
Question 1Do you know what the"Copenhagen Talks" have taught me?
Answer-Jack shit! cutting back on pollution but not stopping the poisoning of the earth
Question 2You'd think because of the lesser greedy and poorer countries out there that the BIG pollutant ones would put more cards on the table and help the other ones out!and also the ones that do not pollute as much would be expected not to cut back.
This is pointed out as if they have to use pollutants,ectIN SHORT,ALL THESE GLOBAL CLIMATE DEALS ARE NOT AT ALL,JUST A SLOWER WHY TO KILL US ALL and they all call themselves LEADERS and IMPORTANT people,you all are NOT intelligent,your all UNEDUCATED morons,if max and i was in global charge,you will all see a clean and safe world...A FREE WORLD,NO SLAVES
Boys aged 10 in court over rape

Wednesday, 16 December 2009
Octopus snatches coconut and runs
An octopus and its coconut-carrying antics have surprised scientists.
Underwater footage reveals that the creatures scoop up halved coconut shells before scampering away with them so they can later use them as shelters.
Writing in the journal Current Biology, the team says it is the first example of tool use in octopuses.
One of the researchers, Dr Julian Finn from Australia's Museum Victoria, told BBC News: "I almost drowned laughing when I saw this the first time."
He added: "I could tell it was going to do something, but I didn't expect this - I didn't expect it would pick up the shell and run away with it."
The octopuses use the coconuts as a shelter----
The eight-armed beasts used halved coconuts that had been discarded by humans and had eventually settled in the ocean.
Dr Mark Norman, head of science at Museum Victoria, Melbourne, and one of the authors of the paper, said: "It is amazing watching them excavate one of these shells. They probe their arms down to loosen the mud, then they rotate them out."
After turning the shells so the open side faces upwards, the octopuses blow jets of mud out of the bowl before extending their arms around the shell - or if they have two halves, stacking them first, one inside the other - before stiffening their legs and tip-toeing away.
Dr Norman said: "I think it is amazing that those arms of pure muscle get turned into rigid rods so that they can run along a bit like a high-speed spider.
"It comes down to amazing dexterity and co-ordination of eight arms and several hundred suckers."
The octopuses eventually use the shells as a protective shelter. If they just have one half, they simply turn it over and hide underneath. But if they are lucky enough to have retrieved two halves, they assemble them back into the original closed coconut form and sneak inside.
The shells provide important protection for the octopuses in a patch of seabed where there are few places to hide.
Dr Norman explained: "This is an incredibly dangerous habitat for these animals - soft sediment and mud couldn't be worse.
"If they are buried loose in mud without a shell, any predator coming along can just scoop them up. And they are pure rump steak, a terrific meat supply for any predator."
The researchers think that the creatures would initially have used large bivalve shells as their haven, but later swapped to coconuts after our insatiable appetite for them meant their discarded shells became a regular feature on the sea bed.
Quick getawayThe veined octopuses (Amphioctopus marginatus) were filmed between 1999 and 2008 off the coasts of Northern Sulawesi and Bali in Indonesia. The bizarre behaviour was spotted on four occasions.
Home, sweet homeThe octopuses were filmed moving up to 20m with the shells. And their awkward gait, which the scientists describe as "stilt-walking", is surprisingly speedy, possibly because the creatures are left vulnerable to attack from predators while they scuttle away with their prized coconuts.
Surprisingly smartTool use was once thought to be an exclusively human skill, but this behaviour has now been observed in a growing list of primates, mammals and birds. The researchers say their study suggests that these coconut-grabbing octopuses should now be added to these ranks. Professor Tom Tregenza, an evolutionary ecologist from the University of Exeter, UK, and another author of the paper, said: "A tool is something an animal carries around and then uses on a particular occasion for a particular purpose. "While the octopus carries the coconut around there is no use to it - no more use than an umbrella is to you when you have it folded up and you are carrying it about. The umbrella only becomes useful when you lift it above your head and open it up. "And just in the same way, the coconut becomes useful to this octopus when it stops and turns it the other way up and climbs inside it." He added that octopuses already have a reputation for being an intelligent invertebrate. He explained: "They've been shown to be able to solve simple puzzles, there is the mimic octopus, which has a range of different species that it can mimic, and now there is this tool use. "They do things which, normally, you'd only expect vertebrates to do."
Tuesday, 15 December 2009
Monday, 14 December 2009
13-year-olds facing criminal checks
Criminal record checks are routinely being carried out on 13 and 14-year-old children, figures have revealed.
Nearly two thousand 14-year-olds and more than three hundred children aged 13 and younger underwent Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) checks last year.
They are vetted if they volunteer to help as sports coaches or to teach younger pupils at after-school clubs.
The checks are aimed at stopping dangerous criminals and paedophiles. But campaigners said vetting such young children was "absurd".
The figures were revealed by the CRB in Freedom of Information Act requests made by the Manifesto Club, a campaign group. Josie Appleton, who wrote its Vetting Children report, called on ministers to scrap plans for a huge expansion in background checks.
From next year anyone volunteering to work with children or vulnerable adults must be registered with the Government's Independent Safeguarding Authority.
She said: "We knew about the vetting of 16 and 17 year olds, but we are shocked that vetting extends to 14s and under. The idea that a 14 year-old could be a paedophile is obviously absurd - but it only reflects the mistrustful assumptions on which the Independent Safeguarding Authority and the new vetting database are premised. The vetting database needs to be scrapped."
Children's Secretary Ed Balls is expected to publish the results of a review of ISA rules. Its chairman, Sir Roger Singleton, was asked to examine the scope of the checks after public outcry.
The CRB figures revealed 1,922 14-year-olds were checked last year and 336 children under 14. Since 2002 10,097 children aged 14 years old have been checked, 3,138 aged under 14 and 29,722 aged 15. They are among three quarters of a million under 18s to have had their backgrounds checked in the last seven years.
A Criminal Records Bureau spokesman said it "makes sense" to check anyone over the age of criminal responsibility, which is ten years old. A spokesman said: "The criminal age of responsibility is 10 so it makes sense that we would check anyone over that age if they were working in regulated activity with children or vulnerable adults."9my view)-This is getting way out of hand,first it is adults now children...yet the worse criminals and terrorist in the world run contries or as people call them the governments,presidents,queens,kings,the army and other shits in power.....they go free but innocent people and children are being treated like crap! fuck you!
Sunday, 13 December 2009
Boy invents speed bump that powers street lights
Saturday, 12 December 2009
What is the point-things we can do without

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