Tuesday 22 December 2009

New Species Of"Human"Discovered

Hello once again,this is terry. i have a follow up to my story you printed in your paper a months ago. i hope you print this follow up as there's bound to be people out there who want one. my story is about a group of wild people i discovered while walking my dog. i have an exciting update
New Species Discovered
I am retired from work,i use to work in a lab cataloging beetles and other insects. i told you that because it'll explain why i did what i did, It'll be 3 weeks since a followed these people and took notes of what i saw. in my work(before i retired)i use to test blood from these beetles and write papers on each one(blood types ect).anyway. the few weeks observing them went without a hitch until 3 days ago. one of them(a women) cut her leg on a branch as she was climbing down from a tree. she get to the ground and her mate carried her to a rock while the others watched. as her mate was licking her wound,i guess he was cleaning it,he was handed a few green leaves by the others.
(this sentence has been removed from printing)
then he tied some roots around the leaves and carried her back to where ever their home was.but that is not all to the story. i cut the story about them short because. after what i discovered,i know what would happen to them if i gave away there location. after they were gone,my curiosity was peaking,after watching them mate,play and communicate. i helped myself to some of the blood on the rock left by this woman, it was like i was back in the lab again,i always took a tube and gloves with me just in case. i took my tube out,put on the groves and took some of her blood. i have two friends back at the lab.i sent them the sample and were waiting for the results. to take my mind off the waiting time until i get the results back,i was blogging everything i saw and what they did. a few days later i got the test results back and what i found was both exciting and and curious at the same time,so i phoned my friend to run the test again. 2 more days pasted and i got the same results.with out revealing all of what was written i will reveal the percentages though (i am telling the public this as i believe this should be told-we're not alone) the results: 10% Human 27% Animal-close to that of a cat(Feline) 41% Unknown DNA 22 Unknown DNA-Different strand to the one above Remember this is from the female only, the men may be different.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

No! We are not alone! xxxxxxxxxx