Thursday 21 January 2010

Hollywood's big sequels

Ghostbusters 3, Avatar 2, Spider-Man 4... These are just a few of the major movies coming back for another scoop of box office mullah over the next few years. HIM has very specific requests for each one of them. Some of them are streaking onto a cinema screen near you in a matter of months. Some of them are still a twinkle in Tinseltown's eye. All of them are blockbusters that they want to make and you want to see. Sequels, though, are notoriously tricky muthas - for every The Dark Knight, there's a pointy-nippled Batman & Robin. So, to help Hollywood avoid turning its favourite franchises into sloppy seconds (or thirds or fourths), MSN Movies has some very specific requests for every single one of them...
Spider-Man 4
Frankly, we don't mind what they do with the Spidey sequel so long as it doesn't feature another head-slapping musical dance sequence. Thomas Haden Church back as Sandman? Sam Raimi wasn't keen but (500) Days Of Summer director Marc Webb might be the answer to the franchise's problems.
Ghostbusters 3
Who you gonna call? Sigourney Weaver, hopefully. But a crusties-in-love romance between her and Bill Murray might be a bit much. Slimer, obviously, is a must. Scripters Lee Eisenberg and Gene Stupnitsky need to use the jokes they write for The Office US not stinky caveman 'comedy' Year One.
Avatar 2
We don't really mind the fact that Jim Cameron remade Dances With Wolves. Let's not make the sequel a remake of Waterworld, though, eh? Jim says it might take place on one of Pandora's moons. Just no more tree-hugging eco-blather, thankyouverymuch.(my view)-Whats wrong with cleaning up and trying to make this world a better place to live you shitbags?.
District 10
No image District 9 was neck-and-neck with Avatar as the best sci-fi film of 2009. The difference? It cost just $30 million (roughly Avatar's lunch budget). With $300 million, director Neil Blomkamp could probably make the greatest alien invasion film of all time. Imagine it: an army of "forkin' prawns" storming Earth to rescue their people and save dweeb-turned-mutant Sharlto Copley. Bring it.
Transformers 3
Bafflingly, director Michael 'I love blowing things up' Bay claims his second robo-sequel "won't be as robot-heavy" and will have "less explosions". Will he use the extra room for "a script" and "robots that don't dry-hump Megan Fox"? If only.
Star Trek 2
Word on the streets is that JJ Abrams' Trek sequel is all about snake-blooded reptilian villains The Gorn. It needs a hardcore baddie, that's for sure, with Eric Bana's underwritten Romulan the weak link in the first film. And surely it's time for Kirk to undertake a seduce-and-destroy mission on Uhuru...
Paranormal Activity 2
Saw VI director Kevin Greutert has one simple task: make it better than Saw VI and The Blair Witch Project 2. Shouldn't be hard. Maybe a teensy-weensy bit more action, too. There's only so long you can sit watching an empty room before you start slipping into a coma.
Sherlock Holmes 2
After that tantalising end to Guy Richie's blockbuster romp, Brad Pitt is now in the frame to play Holmes' arch-nemesis Professor Moriarty. Downey Jr versus Pitt? Yes. Puh-lease. Oh, one more thing. This time, how about a story that actually makes sense? Just a little bit of sense, that's all we ask.(my view)-American's CAN NOT put on a british accents to save their lives let alone play an english role......enough said...move on.
Jurassic Park 4
Forget Tintin. Spielberg and Peter Jackson should team up to make the best Jurassic Park since, well, Jurassic Park. Laura Dern, Jeff Goldblum and everyone else return. So do the pterodactyls from JP3. Andy Serkis can play probably play a T-rex.
I Am Legend 2
After Will Smith blew himself to high heaven in the first film, Alice Braga and little Ethan should join the survivors colony and blast it out with mutants. That's 28 Days Later meets Aliens, we're saying. Get James Cameron to direct it and we're sold.
National Treasure 3
Nicolas Cage is shockingly killed in the opening scene and replaced by daring archaeologist turned adventurer Hugh Jackman. The title changes to Indiana Jones And The National Treasure. Spielberg directs. George Lucas goes nowhere near it. There are no aliens. Hey, if you're going to rip off a franchise, do it properly. Theres others coming but they do not interest me like"Wallstreet 2,The untouchables 2,ect and frankly a few gay movies(men and woman)those make me sick,so i didn't post those un-natural one either


Unknown said...

I so love you view on these! LMAO here!!! :) xxxxxx

Anonymous said...

This is really funny, and your right they should step away from the plain jane script and create something new and exciting.