Thursday 14 January 2010

Otto the world's 'oldest dog' is put to sleep-story update

A dog from Shropshire who was crowned the world's oldest canine has been put to sleep after suffering from stomach cancer. Otto, a Dachshund terrier cross from Reabrook, Shrewsbury, was 20 years and 11 months old. He was recognised as the oldest living dog by Guinness World Records in October and enjoyed playing ball with neighbours' children until recently. His owners Lynn and Peter Jones said he was a "loveable, affectionate rogue". 'Had enough' Mrs Jones, who has had Otto since he was six months old, said she had been crying all day. "We found out yesterday he had a very large tumour in his stomach and last night I felt he was trying to tell us something. "He couldn't sit or lie down comfortably and he was trying to tell us that he'd had enough, so we made the decision to end his suffering and took him to the vet this morning," she said. She added that she felt like she had lost her right arm. Many tributes have since been added to Otto's Facebook page.

1 comment:

foofan1 said...

It is always hard to put a extended part of your family to sleep. They should be at peace with their difficult choice. They quality of life the dog is having not being able to sit or lay is horrible. I think they did the right thing. Hardest thing but most merciful.