Thursday 5 November 2009

Net Neutrality illustrated: so THAT'S what it means

If you think those cable TV weasels are bugging you now with their greedy tiered pricing, take a look at what could happen if they succeed at smacking down net neutrality. This graphic was created by a clever Reddit reader. The concept of net neutrality seems like some kind of dry political issue, but when you see what could happen if Big Cable gets its way, it hits home. So how would you feel about being nickel and dimed to death, forced to pay, say, $5 extra if you want to search Google, another $10 if you'd like to watch YouTube videos? Oh, but if you were using Road Runner, for example, all Time Warner sites and videos would come to you at no extra charge. Just so you know where politicians stand on this: Obama's FCC is taking steps to insure net neutrality, while Senator John McCain has introduced a bill to block the FCC's net neutrality rules. And you thought the 2008 election was over. Where do you stand, readers?-(my view)-Just another one of Obama's plans to controll us all and to silence freedom of speech.........but you STILL voted for the wrong fuckturd


Unknown said...

He is a controlling fuck! I knew it from the beginning....I did NOT vote for him! xxxxx

Anonymous said...

This is just the begining and it will not stop until he has everyone scared to leave their own house. I didn't vote for him either!!!