Thursday 4 February 2010

Woman's virginity offer not illegal

A teenager who says she auctioned her virginity online for £24,000 to raise tuition money did not break any laws but it might be risky for her to follow through on the deal, according to police. The anonymous 19-year-old student, who lives in New Zealand, offered her virginity to the highest bidder on www.ineed.co.nz under the name "Unigirl", saying the money will pay her university fees. She said in a post that around 30,000 people had viewed her advert and more than 1,200 had bid. She accepted an offer of 45,000 New Zealand dollars (£24,000).(my view)-
Daugther"mummy did you go to collage when you were young"
Daugther-"how could you afford it as it's so expensive"
Mother"i fucked some gross guy,so he would pay for me-men are stupid animals who are easily conned by us"
real smart!...you DUMB FUCK SLUT WHORE!


Anonymous said...

I understand that college has become expensive, but you shouldn't go and sell your virginity to pay for it all if that was what the money was really for to begin with. Shocked really shocked that someone would do this.

foofan1 said...

Yeah i heard about this one too. How the hell could someone have any respect for themselves doing this? I don't get it but i guess i have morals. Kind of seems like a rare thing these days. Kind of scary that these people are our future. We're screwed!